Most new years resolutions are set for a specific results or goals, such as - learning a new language/getting fit / eating healthy/ loosing weight etc.
There in lays the problem, as we don’t consider our intentions or resolutions.
Intentions are the reasons why we want to achieve a certain outcome. For example; wanting to feel well/ getting less out of breath could be the intention for wanting to get fit.
Being able to communicate with people in another country would be the intention for learning a new language.
Resolution means; a firm decision to do or not do something/ the quality of being determined.
Goals are not actions, they are an end result and therefore are very difficult to achieve unless made into actionable steps.
The importance is on actionable small steps that can be done no matter what.
For example, if you want to learn a new language - you commit to 10min of practice and learning everyday. Set a timer/use an app and make yourself accountable by telling your friends about what you are doing so that they can support you.
If you want to get fitter, perhaps you commit to going to the gym 3 times a week, or doing 25 press-ups a day. Make it small, sustainable and above all doable no matter what.
So the take away is:
Set your
Goal - I want to do/ be able to do X
Intention - Why do I want to do this/ What is the purpose of doing this
Resolution - take action, commit to small consistent actions and do it no matter what.
Be aware that you will face resistance along the path, and remember that your mind is really good at making up stories that play into creating comfort and not doing what you have committed to doing.
Your thoughts are the only thing you are up against and they are not something you need to listen to.