Most of you know me well enough to know that I am not a writer or an avid blogger.
t doesn’t come to me easily, so please don’t expect some fabulously witty piece of writing here, but this is something that has been thought provoking to me and I wanted to share my thoughts and hear your views.
Teaching my regular Yoga Lot last night; one of my lovely ladies said that she had been giving up Alcohol and Meat for January and that she was already thinking about what to give up for Lent.
WOW!!! I salute you big time!!!
I have never really been able to ‘do’ the whole New Years Resolution thing. Perhaps for a lack of commitment, or that giving up something felt negative, but most importantly, that I would run a mile if I had to give up something that I really enjoy, especially chocolate in my case.
This made me think.
‘Giving up’ somehow has a negative feel to it. And perhaps this is just me, holding on tight, when I should practice letting go of my attachments and aversions.
After all this is what Yoga and Mindfulness teaches.
So perhaps I need to look at practicing what I preach more?!
However, I have been going into the New Year with clear Intentions.
- Looking after my Mind and Body with a daily Yoga and Mindfulness practice. Sometimes longer sometimes shorter, but practice every day even when I cannot be asked.
- Nourishing my Body with natural, mostly plant based food.
- Reading something that nourishes my soul every night.
- Being kind to all beings. Which is the most difficult one for me by far. Realising how far stretched this is and how my actions may be kind but my thoughts are often not… Work in progress big time!!!
Apart from a couple of hick-ups, it is going really well and I love the effect it has on my health, my mental space and everyone around me.
This makes me think that, perhaps it is the way our intentions or resolutions are worded and perhaps that wording, and how it feels has an impact on how easily we are able to see our intentions flourish and actually enjoy them?
Some cultures and traditions celebrate life by Fasting or ‘giving up’ something, and I can totally see the value in that and the honour in doing so.
But I can’t help wondering whether this too could be done in a positive and uplifting way, so that it feels less of a punishment and more of a gift to you and everyone else’s life.
Perhaps this is exactly what you are doing and I have misunderstood it and ‘battling’ with New Years Resolutions and ‘cleaning up my life’ for far too long. And in the process missing the uplifting spirit of the effect my intentions can have on me and the people around me.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this. What your resolutions and intentions are and how you are managing to stay true.